Aminet 4
Aminet 4 - November 1994.iso
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Text File
432 lines
I. Introduction
II. Running Your Empire
III. Battle
IV. Extra Info
I. Introduction
The object of Space Empire is simple. You are the absolute
ruler of a set of worlds. Your goal is to be the most powerful empire
through diplomacy, economic plays, and most of all, war. The first
person to be "Space Lord" for seven days in a row ascends the iridium
throne of the galaxy and becomes Lord of the Universe and is put into the
"Space Lords Hall of Fame". To become a Space Lord, you must achieve the
score set by the sysop. Usually it is between 100,000 and 500,000 points.
II. Running Your Empire
Space Empire (hereafter referred to as SE) is a simple, yet
intricate game. The actual "play" of the game is quite easy - everything
follows a natural, logical rhythm and the choices are virtually identical
on every turn. What you decide to do at each prompt, however, can greatly
affect your Empire, the Empires of others, and other game options that you
will be faced with. SE is almost entirely pure strategy - indeed, it can
be compared with Checkers or Chess, where the moves are logical and
physically simple, but WHAT YOU DO with each game piece determines the
outcome as a whole. Here are your "game pieces" in SE:
PLANETS - There are three types of planets: Agriculture, ORE, and DEFENSE.
Agriculture planets are absolutely essential to the functioning of your
Empire - after all, you have to feed your hungry population and your
fighting forces! ORE planets are your income-producers. You will
undoubtedly have many more ORE planets than any other type when you play
the game; indeed, if you don't, your Empire will collapse in poverty.
DEFENSE planets, quite obviously, produce defense forces, which add in
automatically at the commencement of each turn.
When it comes to Planets, you have to keep one important thought in mind:
Planets costs money - money to buy, and money to maintain. If you have too
many DEFENSE planets and not enough Agriculture or ORE Planets, you may be
overwhelmed with too many defense forces that will eventually overthrow your
Empire. If you have too many Agriculture Planets and not enough ORE Planets, the
cost of maintaining the Agriculture Planets alone (beyond any Agriculture they produce)
may be too much to bear. Remember, too, that Agriculture and soldiers can be
individually purchased within the game as a commodity.
The SysOp has the power to adjust the amount of production received from
the different types of planets. Check the status option from the main menu
to view these values. Defense planets production is listed as how many
fighters they produce. 70% of that number is the number of defense stations,
and 30% is heavy cruisers.
SOLDIERS - the "backbone" of your fighting equipment, Soldiers are essential
to a successful Empire. Too many at once, however, and you may not be able
to feed or pay them all. Too few, and you'll be a weak target for other
players. (Used for Offense and Defense).
FIGHTERS - Fighters are useful when attacking other players, and can only
be used if you have CARRIERS (another game piece). (Offensive weapon only)
CARRIERS - Used to transport Fighters to the battle front, 100 Fighters per
Carrier only.
DEFENSE STATIONS - Help protect you from enemy attacks. They're relatively
inexpensive, and you can't have too many. (Defensive Weapon Only)
CRUISERS - Yet another fighting piece. These are the "battleships" of your
fighting forces. You need them for effective battles, and they help protect
you in times of attack. Buy, buy, buy!! (Used for Offense and Defense)
COMMAND SHIP - What is a command ship? A command ship is a specially
designed ship in which the ruler of a particular empire may sit and observe
the battle and issue orders to his/her military forces. Without one, the
ruler must sit at home and await reports from his/her forces, which normally
results in not finding out until the end of the battle.
COVERT AGENTS - Spying and Covert Operations are a fun and exciting part of
playing SE. In fact, an entire menu is devoted to just Covert Ops! In
order to partake of these activities, you must own Covert Agents. Like
Soldiers, Fighters, Defense Stations, etc., Covert Agents are purchased in
the market. The more you have, the better off you are, generally speaking.
They also protect your empire from being spied on and other various covert
The above "playing pieces" are the basic building blocks of your Empire.
How wisely you use them and the proportions you have of each will determine
your fate in the game. At this point, I would urge you to review the playing
pieces again, and make sure you are completely familiar with each.
At the beginning of each turn, you collect money in the form of
taxes from your people and ore mined from planets. You also get a stock
of Agriculture from agricultural worlds and a flow of weaponry from defense
planets. Your governing planets, which are purely administrative worlds,
don't do you any good and just sap your funds -- but you need one of them
for every 50 other planets. It is not wise to have too many or too few.
Having too few will mean you will not have very much control and having
too many will mean spending excessive amounts of money for political reasons.
You must also keep at LEAST 26 million people per planet to mine ore,
grow food, run the government, or build industrial war machines. Failure
to have the required amount will result in a loss of income, food, and
industrial output. It is even possible at times to completely lose production.
If you keep your people happy, in return they may produce MORE.
MESSAGES: You will receive messages sent to you by other players, and
notification of actions taken against you at the first of your logon.
You may also send messages to other players by selecting it from the
main Space Empire menu. To end a message, type a "." as the first
character on a new line, and then either a S or an A to save or abort the
message, respectively. If you enter a '*' for the user name, it will
send the message to all active players. A '@' will send the message to your
entire alliance. All messages have a 25 line limit on then.
Next we have the Alliance routines which you enter into now.
Alliance round
-------- -----
[D]issolve alliance
[E]xpell empire from alliance
[I]nfo on your alliance
[J]oin an alliance
[L]ist existing alliances
[R]eview defense forces
[S]tart a new alliance
[T]eam members
[W]ithdraw from alliance
DISSOLVE: This option will be displayed if you are a leader of a team. At
which point you have the option to break off the team. Every soldier,
cruisers and defense stations will be put back into the team members empire.
EXPEL: This option is only displayed if you are the leader of an alliance. T
his option lets you kick out certain members which you don't want in your
alliance anymore.
INFO: This option will list out all the soldiers, defense stations and
cruisers which are in the alliance. Also, will show how many of those are
JOIN: If you don't want to be a leader of a team this option is for you.
This will let you try to join another alliance team. The next time the
leader of that team plays the game will get an option that you wish to join
his alliance. The next time you get a message back saying that the leader
accepted your application or rejected it. If accepted into the alliance
then you have the option to put soldiers and such into the alliance to help
out your team members verse attackers.
LIST: This will list out every alliance and show how many players are in each
alliance at that time.
REVIEW: This is where you are allowed to put soldiers and such into the
alliance if you belong to one. If so, it will show how many is in there
right now and asks how many soldiers, defense stations and cruisers you wish
to put into it. If you have already had some soldiers in the alliance
everything is taken out and put back into you empire. So if you want to put
50 more soldiers into the alliance and already had 25 soldiers. You would
have to put 75 soldiers into the alliance to add the 50 soldiers you wish to
put into it.
START: This is where you are allowed to start a new alliance if you are not
already in alliance of that time. If your not in another alliance it will
ask for your alliance name and then from then on will be the leader of the
alliance. Then from that day one, if someone wishes to join your alliance you
will be prompt the next time your play if you wish to let them join your
alliance or not.
MEMBERS: This will show you everyone that is in your alliance. It will show
them your players name, total planets and score. This is handy if you forget
who is in your alliance.
WITHDRAW: If you wish not to be part of alliance you already are joined in,
this option will let you get out of the alliance and give you back all your
soldiers, cruisers and defense stations you have in the alliance at that
time. If you are a leader of a alliance you will not see this, you will have
to use option DISSOLVE to get out of an alliance.
When you are attacked, your alliance forces come to your aide.
Unfortunately, since it is such a large galaxy that all the players are in,
the alliance forces cannot arrive right away. It so happenes that about the
same time that the players forces get defeated, the alliance's arrive.
Next stop is the empire status.
Almost everything which is displayed for you empire is easy to know what they
mean. But here is a couple of things which might help
PROTECTION. When a new players begins, they are afforded 20 turns of
protection. This is to help keep the larger, more vicious Empires from
hungrily swallowing up the smaller Empires before they have a real chance to
build up a reasonable level of protection. This feature means that, for 20
turns, you can not be attacked or molested with Covert Operations by ANY
player. Once you gain over the set number of planets and you have any
protection turns left you will loss the remaining protection turns you
had left. You will lose your protection by attacking other players if you
so choose. Otherwise your protection will expire at 20 turns no matter
how many planets you have. You will then be treated as a player who has
exceeded the set number of planets. While under protection, you are
allowed to make treaties and spy on other players. If you are still under
the number of planets set, there is a slight chance the galatic coordinator
will offer you 5 turns of extra protection, for a price.
After collecting your money from your ORE planets, you are allowed to
budget your money as you see fit. Certain amounts will be requested which
you are advised to stay close to. Next in the line of questions is Agriculture
which you go to the Market to buy or sell Agriculture. The Common Market works
very simply: you can buy or sell Agriculture, or just bypass it if you desire.
Note, however, that the Agriculture Market comes JUST BEFORE you have to feed your
military and your population. MAKE SURE you either have enough Agriculture on hand,
or that you purchase enough to feed everyone. Prices in the Common Market
will fluctuate with supply and demand, and at times Agriculture may even run out
entirely. In that case, you will have to rely on your own Agriculture stores to
feed your Empire. Your people will also require Agriculture -- make sure you either
buy enough Agriculture each round or have enough agricultural worlds to support your
You must keep your populace happy! Abusing them by not giving
them enough Agriculture and not allocating enough money to your planets will
stir up unrest. There are many factors which modify how happy your
people are. Make sure you learn these and keep them that way. Internal
unrest is worse then the most powerful of enemy armies! Also, giving your
people extra money and food will increase your population's harmony.
Next stop is the Market:
Government spending
Item P r i c e Can You In
# Name Purchase Selling Buy Own Alliance
1) Soldier Troop....... 250 100 1285 100 5
2) Fighter craft....... 1800 900 178 0 NA
3) Defense station..... 2000 900 160 0 100
4) Heavy cruiser....... 4000 1800 80 0 0
5) Intelligence Agent.. 5000 0 64 0 NA
6) Carrier............. 8000 3000 40 0 NA
7) Command Ship........ 6935 0 1 0 NA
8) Generic planet...... 56893 10000 5 4 NA
9) Governing planet.... 85339 15000 3 1 NA
M) Missiles............ 10003 0 52 3 NA
V) Visit Banker
You have 321321 Credits.
Which would you like to buy? (?=Reshow,Q=Quit)
At this time you will be allowed to buy what ever you wish to buy. Most of
what is up there is easy to understand.
III. Battle
Battle is an integral part of the game -- this is how you weaken your
enemies and seize planets from them. The victor in battle depends on many
Each unit of battle force works a little differently. Soldiers are the
base unit of your military -- they are the cheapest to buy, but because they
need to be feed each turn, and you can only draft a limited amount based on
your population, it is good to have other forces. Fighter craft are offense
only weapons, and are about four times as effective as soldiers when
attacking. The cost a little more, and for every 100 fighters you have, you
need a carrier to transport them. Defense stations cost about the same as
fighters, and are defense only. Cruisers are both offensive and defensive,
have more firepower than either fighters or soldiers, but cost about twice as
The morale of your military is a very important factor. If you
continuously lose battles, their morale will go down. It will go up if
you win battles and/or allocate them extra money. It is also changed by
various other factors. For instance, domestic unrest tends to demoralize
your army.
There is always an element of chance. A lesser enemy always has a slight
chance of winning a battle if the two battle forces are close enough in size.
In addition to the normal method of combat, there is another way to attack
someone. This method is through missiles. You will be asked whether or not
you wish to fire missiles if you say you want to attack. There are four
different types of missiles that you can use, each with their own cost and
CONVENTIONAL: A large nuclear missile whose design has been modified and
updated from the old 20th century model, improved to be use
for interplanetary combat. This missile affects the enemy's
population directly, by causing severe radiation poisoning.
CHEMICAL: Similar in design to the thermonuclear missiles, but instead
of carrying a nuclear warhead, the warhead to this missile
contains highly toxic and fatal chemicals. These chemicals
not only cause death to all those it comes in contact with,
but it also destroys the food supply of the opponent. The
toxic chemicals can also induce a strange strain of a plague
if they hit in large enough amounts.
THERMONUCLEAR: Don't let the name fool you, these missiles are nothing to
be messed with. They can wipe out large military buildup
in a matter of seconds. This missile's warhead contains
highly explosive compounds, that destroy military hardware
into pieces.
GENESIS: A new type of missile that was developed for the purpose of
bringing life to a baron planet. Unfortunately any life
already on the planet will be destroyed in the process. The
missile is not approved for use by the intergalatic council
for this very reason and may only be found through black
market dealers.
Missiles can be purchased and fired in lue of conventional combat. If the
enemy has defense stations they will attempt to intercept the missiles. The
more you fire the greater your chance of hitting, but it does NOT increase the
amount of damage inflicted.
New players are protected from being attacked for a period of 20 turns,
unless they attack someone else first.
NOTE: All types of combat will forfeit any protection that you may have.
Normally you will be warned when your actions will void the
protection, but not always.
If you are part of an alliance, you may trade with your fellow team mates.
Just answer yes when asked, and you will be taken to the trading menu. In
order to port something to a team mate, you must have carriers. Each carrier
can hold any ONE of the following:
500 soldiers
100 fighters
75 defense stations
500 intelligence agents
5,000 megatons of food
Due to the fact that alliance team mates establish intergalatic trading
routes, items sent will arrive immediately, and NOT go into their used
category. Anything not mentioned, can be ported directly without the aid
of carriers.
There are many covert actions, and you may be able to do some sometimes and
at other times you may not. You will have to learn about these yourself,
but here are some general guidelines.
1. If a player is under protection, you will not be able to preform covert
activities on them.
2. If the person you are trying to do things to has covert agents, they
work against you.
3. You may only spy while under protection or else you will void it.
There are so many, it would take a book to document them all. You must
experiment with them to learn all the benefits and consequences of them.
Here is some general information:
Intelligence Missions: Accurately reports enemy's status if successful
Terrorist Activities: Demoralize enemy
Raiding Missions: Steal stuff
Bombing Missions: Blow stuff up
Sabotage: Reduce the enemy's production
Setup - Setup Opponent with another
Biological Warfare - Inflict the plague upon enemy
Disrupt Communications -\ Alter enemy's messages
Infiltrate -/
Intelligence Missions:
You may use these and only these missions while still under protection.
They allow you to do various spying missions on the enemy. These include
spying on millitary, government, and both. In addition you may spy on the
enemy's alliance and attempt to intercept their communications.
Terrorist Activities:
This collection of terrorist activities will allow you to assasinate
government officials and generals causing the people to become upset and
mad at the government. Repeated use causes higher amount of anger in the
Raiding Missions:
Does the enemy have something you want? Then why not steal it from them!
these missions will allow you to steal just about anything they have. But
unfortunately you can't take it all at once or else the enemy would be
suspicious. Everything you steal goes into your used category until the next
time maintence is run.
Bombing Missions:
What is the best way to reduce an enemy's stockpiles? Blow it up! These
operations will destroy a larger amount of the enemy's stockpiles then actually
stealing the stuff. If you choose detonate missiles, it could cause a chain
reaction which would result in large losses. Since genesis missiles are
illegal they are kept in highly secret locations and because of this they
cannot be destroyed with a covert mission.
Sabotage Missions:
Want to really hurt the enemy? Sabotage their production! Here you
can implant a spy in their empire and sabotage the production of ore, food,
defense, or all of them! It will cause them to only produce 60% of the normal
amount. BE WARNED even if successful, once the agent is found in the empire,
the empire will KNOW who sent the agent. Only one agent may sabotage each
of the types of planets. If multiple are sent, only the last one has an
effect, so if you send on, then someone else does, the empire still will
only have one spy in it, and it will be from the other person.
Miscellaneous Missions:
These missions do not fit in to any other category, and allow you to do
several things. From tricking the empire into thinking it was attacked by
another empire; to spreading a strain of the plague in their food supply;
to disrupting and infiltrating the enemy's communications.
IV. Extra Info
In addition to the above there are a few more things you should know.
One of these things is Medical Research. Medical Research is used to
keep your population healthy. Not paying the required amount can result
in a population that grows sick, and tends to make them unhappy.
There also have been plagues reported through out the galaxy. Some of
these plagues have been known to destroy an entire empire in a single
turn. There is no present cure know, but maybe with some research you
could find one.
Also, there have been known to be strange people wandering around offering
to sell extremely powerful and deadly weapons. These weapons are condemned
by the Galactic Federation of planets, and should be avoided unless you want
to be considered an "evil" empire.
If you find spies in your empire that are sabotaging the production, there
are three ways to get rid of them. The are:
1. When prompted kill them all for a small cost. (100% effective)
2. When prompted search for "bad" spies. (65-75% effective)
3. Hire more covert agents and hope they catch the bad ones. (Variable)
NOTE: Just selling covert agents will NOT rid your empire of sabotages.
You must have them all executed and pay the small cost to cover their
deaths up. (Now it wouldn't look too good to your people to just kill
a bunch of loyal workers would it? )